With today’s new technologically-advanced Internet, obtaining the information you need to expand internationally has never been easier. And you can significantly reduce your research costs while greatly improving your results.

Who Has Time to Surf?

The Internet can provide you with intelligence on just about any topic. And surfing the web can be enjoyable. But who’s got the time? To make your job easier, we’ve reviewed several sites you may find extremely useful.

Obtain Government Statistics

More than 70 U.S. government agencies produce data that can help you expand internationally. The Fedstats website (www.fedstats.gov/) directly accesses data from these agencies.

To obtain this data, click on Agencies, Data Access Tools, Programs, Regional Statistics, Press Releases, or additional links.

Visit the CIA

The CIA’s World Factbook (www.odci.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html) provides extensive studies on every nation in the world. The studies include demographic data, economic figures, political conditions, maps, etc.

Convert Foreign Currencies Fast

The Universal Currency Converter website (www.xe.net/ucc/) converts currencies in seconds. Simply choose a currency, input an amount and then select the destination currency. Or if you prefer, use CNN’s currency site (cnnfn.com/markets/currencies/).

Global One-Stop Research

If you’re seeking a one-stop site to conduct business research, you’ll want to visit the BizTech Network (www.brint.com). This site provides information on business, technology and management. Click on the Knowledge Map and then onto International Trade. You’ll be amazed at what you find.

Conduct Country-Specific Research

The Internationalist (www. internationalist.com) offers a wide array of international research. For example, under International Business, click on China and access Financial Services, Consultants, Government Links, and Country Business.

Click Here Before Traveling

The U.S. Department of State Bureau of Consular Affairs (travel.state. gov) features visa and passport information, customs regulations, locations of U.S. embassies and consulates, health conditions, and much more.

Trade Compass

Trade Compass (www.trade compass.com) is a comprehensive and easy-to-use website. It provides trade contacts and leads, educational information, and sales and marketing tools. Additionally, you can access a help desk, logistics information, reference materials, and a whole lot more.

This article appeared in January 2000. (CB)

John Manzella
About The Author John Manzella [Full Bio]
John Manzella, founder of the Manzella Report, is a world-recognized speaker, author of several books, and an international columnist on global business, trade policy, labor, and the latest economic trends. His valuable insight, analysis and strategic direction have been vital to many of the world's largest corporations, associations and universities preparing for the business, economic and political challenges ahead.

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