Topic Category: Manufacturing

In 1701, Jethro Tull invented the seed drill, a machine that changed the world. By mechanizing the work of laborers, he was a major influence on the agricultural revolution. Displaced from the fields by machines, people flocked to growing cities where the industrial revolution, which was only just beginning, gave them work in newly built factories.

Topic: Manufacturing
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In this age of technology, progressive manufacturers are buying into the concept and seizing the benefits derived from the connected enterprise. These benefits include more control of costs, improved operations and better customer satisfaction. Here are a few ways manufacturers can achieve these goals using the Internet, and how some manufacturers are already making the most of it.

Topic: Manufacturing
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U.S. elected local officials seeking to create and sustain solar industry job growth in their Congressional districts should be aware of and advocate accordingly on a current piece of U.S. trade policy toward China that is in the making — the International Trade Commission (ITC) investigation: Certain Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Products from China and Taiwan — which may be highly consequential to solar industry interests at the local level.

Topic: Manufacturing
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American manufacturers should expect to see numerous benefits from 3D printing as the technology continues to improve and printing costs decrease. While large printers capable of running thousands of parts in a day are still costly, the smaller counterparts are becoming very affordable. It may soon be considered more expensive not to have a 3D printer on site.

Topic: Manufacturing
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Earlier this year, both UPS and FedEx announced the full implementation of dimensional weight, a billing method that accounts for package length, width and height on all ground shipments in United States and Canada. Surprisingly, many individuals and companies that regularly ship small packages have either missed the press releases or don’t understand the implications. These shippers certainly will feel the financial pinch.

Topic: Manufacturing
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When asked to describe the state of American manufacturing, many say it has been “hollowed out.” When asked why, they point to the decline in manufacturing jobs, note the few “Made in America” products on retail store shelves, and identify importing and offshoring as the culprits. Although many of these reasons appear persuasive, they’re not accurate.

Topic: Manufacturing
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Change in the manufacturing industry is required for growth and profit. Without a crystal ball, not all changes can be guaranteed, but certain changes appear to be gaining in strength. From an increase in green manufacturing to automated factories and reshoring, the manufacturing industry is evolving and several trends in this evolution are expected to continue through 2017.

Topic: Manufacturing
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If what is meant by manufacturing “revival” is a sector that once again supports nearly 20 million jobs, as it did at its peak in 1979, or accounts for 28 percent of the U.S. economy, as it did at its peak in 1953, the answer is, thankfully, an emphatic “no.” If “revival,” however, is defined as continued growth in value-added output, revenues, foreign investment, research and development expenditures, capital investment, and productivity, the answer is a near-certain “yes.”

Topic: Manufacturing
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“Revival” is probably not the right word for a sector that has been trending upward with respect to every relevant performance metric since the nadir of the recession. The most recently published U.S. government data reveal all-time highs for manufacturing sector output, value-added, revenues, exports, profits, and foreign direct investment. Business is good for manufacturers in the U.S., but it could be better still.

Topic: Manufacturing
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China's Sun-Yet Sen burialSPECIAL REPORT—For decades China achieved double digit growth rates. And in the last 30 years, the country lifted 500 million people out of poverty, the World Bank says. Today, China is the world’s largest manufacturer and exporter, and the second largest economy. However, its future is not so clear. In the coming years, the Middle Kingdom must overcome tremendous challenges that may significantly impact its competitiveness and social stability.

Topic: Manufacturing
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