President Obama has made it clear that he is no advocate of fossil fuels. He has gone to war against coal and refuses to allow drilling on most federal lands for oil. Despite this lack of support, the United States actually has a surplus of crude oil and natural gas. Domestic production is way up to the point where gas prices at the pump have started to come down. There’s even talk of exporting gas and oil, something that has been restricted since the 1973 OPEC embargo.
If there is one thing that site selection consultants agree on, it’s that no two projects are the same. While the process of analyzing locations and selecting sites is the same across most projects, each client has specific requirements that are reflected in the choice and weighting of the criteria used to evaluate locations for their particular facility.
Portugal’s Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho’s coalition government continues to hold together despite tensions generated by the negative impact of austerity-fatigue on popular support for both the prime minister’s PSD and its junior partner, the CDS-PP. The partner’s resolve has been reinforced by signs of economic improvement, including a revival of tourism and exports that have contributed to a downward trend in unemployment and helped keep the deficit-reduction and debt-consolidation programs on track.
The United States is experiencing an energy revolution that is having a tremendous impact on business. Moving forward, this is projected to boost corporate competitiveness, manufacturing output, employment, and exports, as well as household income. And this new “gold rush” is catapulting new American energy to the top of global charts, while continuing to reduce American dependence on foreign energy sources.
Japan experienced stock market, credit and real estate bubbles in the late 1980s, but with more intensity than the U.S. later experienced. Prior to 1990, the Japanese economy and financial system were considered superior to the U.S.' as expressed in several books, such as Japan as Number One (1979). Japanese society was considered more thrifty and conservative than Western societies. In hindsight Japan was not immune to speculative euphoria and bubbles.
Since taking over as president on a permanent basis in 2008, Raúl Castro has undertaken a self-described effort to “save” Cuba’s socialist system by introducing various market reforms. To date, that program has included the establishment of non-agricultural cooperatives, the legalization of private farms and small businesses, the recognition of private ownership of homes (and right to buy and sell), and the relaxation of restrictions on travel outside of Cuba.
When Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the LDP were returned to power in late 2012, the victory was attributed less to enthusiasm for the winners than to frustration with the incumbent DPJ. However, the LDP’s comeback was completed at upper-house elections held in July 2013, at which voters registered a clear vote of confidence in the prime minister and his government’s program of monetary easing, fiscal stimulus and structural reforms that has been dubbed “Abenomics.”
When President Barack Obama nominated Federal Reserve vice chairman Janet Yellen to take over as Fed chairman after Ben Bernanke departs in January, the markets purred a sigh of relief. The Fed’s adherence to ultra-low interest rates and quantitative easing to boost risk taking and asset prices is now expected to continue for at least another year and most likely until the end of 2015. This could prove costly.
Since the global recession began in 2008, Europe has struggled. For example, last year the European Union (EU) which is comprised of 27 countries with a consumer base of approximately 500 million, registered -0.2 percent growth. Although its economy has improved, it remains vulnerable. Nonetheless, there is a considerable upside not reflected in these figures.
The average home price in 20 major cities rose 12.1 percent over a 12 month period ending in June, according to the S&P/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices, a leading measure of the U.S. real estate industry. But this trend may be coming to an end as the increase in home prices appears be slowing partly due to rising mortgage rates. But the bigger picture sheds light perhaps on a more difficult issue.
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